Electric Fencing For Mulefoot Pigs

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on December 4, 2008
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<p>Last week, after deciding that the Mulefoot pigs needed to expand their foraging horizons a bit, I set up a temporary 5-wire electric fence around part of the pine grove. There are plenty of hackberries and a few acorns on the ground in there, thanks to the deciduous trees that have colonized part of the understory … and the cattle left a bounty of good grass.</p>

<p>Since I have plenty step-in Poly Posts, t-posts, 17-gauge steel wire and assorted insulators on hand, that’s what I used for the fence. My design will make purists cringe, but years of management-intensive grazing experience taught me that a lot of approaches work … even if they are unorthodox.</p>
<p>The “new” fence was going to border the existing Mulefoot pig enclosure, so I opted to make use of the existing welded-wire/barbed wire permanent fence for one side of the new paddock – I chose two t-posts in that fence to define two corners. I drove new steel t-posts to define the other two corners of the enclosure. Since I don’t love wiring up doughnut insulators at corners, and I knew that this fence was only needed for a month or so, I decided to use step-in Poly Posts for the corner insulators. I simply stepped the poly posts into the ground with the clips facing the t-posts and wired them together. The t-posts anchor the Poly Posts.</p>

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