Donations for the garden and harvest begins

Reader Contribution by Nebraska Dave
Published on August 4, 2012
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August in upon us and the summer has only 48 days left. Many will welcome the relief from the hottest summer on record in their area.  Here in eastern Nebraska, my area is today into day 45 without a drop of rain.  Some areas of Nebraska have received token rain storms but well below our normal rain fall for this time of the year.  Farm cash crops and gardens alike have suffered under the relentless heat even if irrigation and watering has been done.  At Terra Nova Garden over 2,000 gallons of water has been hauled in two 55 gallons drums just in the month of July.  The water hauling has paid off and the tomato crop has started producing.

Today with the temperatures in the 80s will provide a day that is meant for canning tomatoes.  I have given away as many as I can give away which has been about again as many as you see here in this picture.  The first flush of tomatoes is almost over.  I suspect that because of the hot weather the next flush will be a while in coming.  I really wasn’t planning on canning tomatoes this year but there they are waiting for the canner.

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