A Skunk Tale

Reader Contribution by Traci Smith and Senior Associate Editor
Published on March 23, 2012
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Traci Smith headshotSeveral weeks ago on a Wednesday night, after getting home from

work and finishing up the chores, I went inside to start supper. Maggie and Boone, our dogs, decided they wanted to go out, so I let them out. A few minutes

later, I heard them barking, which is normal, but this was a different bark.

Seconds later – and I mean seconds – I smelled what I thought was a gas leak. Deciding the dogs would be OK for a few minutes, I started looking for a

leak. The smell was so strong, it was hard to breathe. Needing fresh air, I went to the door and walked outside. Turns out the “gas leak” was actually a

skunk – in the yard, chasing the dogs. Before I knew what was happening, the skunk turned and sprayed again, this time hitting Maggie. Luckily, Boone

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