Hey folks, I’m glad you could make it back. After shuttling a herd of kids to vacation bible school and back last week I’m thinking that I’d never make it as a school bus driver. I’d much rather crawl under porches and move heavy concrete slabs than have to control a bunch of kids. Wow, am I getting old or what? Understand that I love kids but just not in big groups with me in charge.
Many of you have older houses and can identify with the maintenance that goes into keeping the house in good working order. Mine is not nearly as old as some that blog here but still at 45 years old it has its issues from time to time. One day when I was away from home, my daughter called me in a panic saying that water was coming from under the sink. At first I thought it to be another dish washer issue. This picture was when I had to replace the dishwasher a couple years ago. I didn’t have to get this far into the cabinetry this time, but it gives you an idea of what’s up with the plumbing. The issue this time was a seal up under the sink which required taking down all the parts and replacing some of the seals. Once again the area under the sink is dry.
Here’s the Poor Man’s Patio with the trellis and the pole beans starting to grow. I had hoped that the pole beans would cover up the sides a little faster than it is. Perhaps there’s not enough sun to encourage prolific growth. Once the leaves get on the branches of the trees the patio is shaded most of the day. I might have to think about something else next year.
The Hostas have the stage and are in full bloom in the front yard. The Daffodil foliage is all but dead and the Tulips are totally gone. As I weeded the beds I never thought that it could dry out so fast in just one week but the ground is super dry and needed watering. The two little windows in the house foundation were for the water meter man to take a reading from the meter without entering the house so I always left a path to the window for him. Last week the utility company came and replaced the meter with a digital meter. Now the reading can be transmited wirelessly to the meter reader without him ever leaving his car. Good for him and good for me as now I can plant something in the path area. I’m thinking that would be a good space for the daylillies. What do you think?
You might ask whatever happened to the gravity feed watering system. It’s still in progress. I haven’t repaired the big supply tank yet but I have been working on the final delivery system. Here is the final distribution tank with the inlet for water and an air vent so the water will drain through the delivery tubes when the timer shuts off the water. The delivery tubes will come out of the bottom of the distribution tank and direct the water to the plant roots. At least that’s the plan right now. I’ve found that when working with a gravity very low water pressure system, volume is the key to success. I should be able to get back to working on the big tank soon. Yes, that’s Gorilla glue. Without pressure things can be glued in place without leaking. I’ll put a good coat of silicon sealer around the outside of the holes and this tank will be ready to have the holes drilled for the delivery hose fittings. It won’t be long before the system will be somewhat in operation. Just in time for the hot July season and daily waterings.
Well, that’s what’s been happening on the Urban Ranch the last couple weeks. Leave a message and let me know what’s been happening in your part of the world.
I leave you with the words of wisdom from Possum Lodge on the Red Green Show, “Remember, this fix is only temporary, unless it works.”