Worcester, Massachusetts — Curtis Industries LLC has introduced
a new and improved line of Sno-Pro tractor blades to expand their use to a full
line of applications ranging from snow removal to piling of livestock feed and
silage. Sno-Pro front end loader blades offer major advantages over bucket
plowing. Built tough for farmers, landscapers, ranchers construction companies
and homeowners these unique implements give an added versatility to bucket
high quality tractor blades provide added versatility to traditional bucket
loaders by adding a 30 degree hydraulic angle for efficient and productive
plowing and heavy duty trip springs for added protection against blade damage
from surface obstructions. The same level of quality goes into the Sno-Pro
tractor blades as the extensive line of the Pro Series cab systems.
New Sno-Pro Loader Blades provide added versatility to your loader. Materials
such as snow, loam and gravel may be cast to either side for productive
plowing. Sno-Pro Loader Blades offer several mounting options and a full-trip
moldboard, protecting both the loader and blade from inevitable surface
obstructions. The durable charcoal finish looks great on all makes/models and
is available in a wide range of sizes.
loader blades are built to withstand even the most extreme usage. Each blade is
made with a made with durable, heavy-duty 11-gauge powder coated steel, to
provide a superior non-stick surface that lessens debris pile up with fewer
are available in 5- through 9-foot models and are recommended for tractors up
to 47 hp. These tractor blades can also adapt for quick-attach front mounting
for skid steers and tractors equipped with front loaders that have quick
attach-type adapter.
Industries LLC is the leading manufacturer of cabs, enclosures and accessories for
compact tractors, golf cars and utility vehicles. The company, which started in
1968, also manufactures truck plows and snow and ice control equipment for
tractors and utility vehicles. Curtis Industries LLC markets its products
exclusively through a large network of dealers in the United States, Canada,
Japan, South Korea and Western
Europe. The company operates from a modern 150,0000square-foot
facility in Worcester, Massachusetts. For more information on
Curtis products, please visit the Curtis Industries website or call 800-343-7676.