What to Know Before Buying a Combine

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on June 8, 2016
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Although many turn to the acts of farming and homesteading as methods for self-sustainability and cost-cutting, the long-term harvesting and cultivating of crops actually involves a great deal of time, labor and expense. This is especially true when it comes to larger farms that require the use of heavy farm equipment, such as combines, to gather and process crops. With that in mind, there are a number of factors to consider before purchasing a combine or any other similar machinery.

Buying Used or New?

Most farmers who maintain permanent, full-time farms can benefit from buying the necessary farm equipment outright. While this can be rather expensive, combines and other equipment that are used on a daily basis can typically pay for themselves in a few short years. Moreover, you’ll be sure to have your equipment ready and available whenever you need to use it.

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