Rebuilding Field Equipment vs. Repairing

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on April 3, 2017
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Homesteaders often struggle with the issue of rebuilding vs. repairing old or damaged equipment. On one hand, repairing or replacing common parts can serve as a quick-fix that keeps your property up and running. But rebuilding outdated equipment can absolutely give your equipment a second chance at life.


Dig Into to the Pros and Cons

As you can probably tell, there are pros and cons associated with each approach. While there are the typical benefits and drawbacks — such as costs and downtime — to consider, the world of farming is seldom that simple.

Estimating your total costs regarding ownership and regular maintenance against your profits to gauge your farm’s overall sustainability and profitability requires in-depth mathematics. However complex or archaic the subject might be, it’s essential when making the decision whether to repair components, rebuild machinery, or buy brand-new equipment. These figures are important when determining whether farming is right for you.

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