If you rely on an alternative power source during an emergency, don’t overlook home generator maintenance to ensure that it is ready when you need it.
Standby generators play a key role in maintaining critical farm operations when weather or other circumstances cause electrical power outages.
Since they’re a temporary power source, it is easy to put off home generator maintenance. However, the last thing anyone wants to experience is failure of the emergency power source they’re counting on. Aaron Yoder, Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Public Health, Department of Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health, says maintenance is critical to both the operation and life span of a generator.
Generator Maintenance Checklist
If you don’t have access to an operator’s manual, one may be obtained either online, through the equipment manufacturer, or a company that manufactures similar/same generators. Sometimes, the company who installs the generator may be able to assist in locating a manual.

A standby generator is a wise investment because it could prevent costly losses during a power failure. As with any other agricultural equipment, know how to safely operate and maintain the equipment so it functions properly, and you and your family are safe at the end of the day.
Loretta Sorensen writes from her home in southeast South Dakota, where she regularly develops agricultural safety and health articles for the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
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