Fall Cleanup: Neuton CE 6.2 Battery-Powered Mower Take 1

Reader Contribution by Hank Will and Editor-In-Chief
Published on November 6, 2008
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<p>Last weekend was a busy one for me. After I got the stock moved around and some fences built, I turned to the yard … although I still don’t have the garlic planted. The backyard wasn’t terribly overgrown, but it looked patchy with grass that needed one last mowing and clover that was just about right. Rather than fire up the old <a title=”Kubota” href=”http://kubota.com/f/home/home.cfm” target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>Kubota</font>
</a>-diesel-powered <a title=”Cub Cadet” href=”http://www.cubcadet.com/” target=”_blank”>Cub Cadet</a> with 50-inch mower deck, I decided to try out <a title=”Neuton Power Equipment’s battery-powered Neuton CE 6.2 mower” href=”http://www.neutonpower.com/TwoStepModelDetail.aspx?Name=CEM6-2Model&cm_re=CE%20Home%20Page%201-_-Product%20Line%20Up-_-Mower%206.2″ target=”_blank”>
<font color=”#0000ff”>Neuton Power Equipment’s battery-powered Neuton CE 6.2 mower</font>
</a> instead.</p>

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