GRIT September/October 2023 Table of Contents
Stocking a Pantry
Learn how to properly stock and use your pantry.
Living a Zero-Waste Lifestyle
Shifting your lifestyle is never easy. Tips for going zero-waste on a rural homestead.
Grow Your Own Spices
Hunting 101
The reality of hunting is more expensive than you’d think.
Everything but the Gobble
When you’ve purchased or harvested a delicious bird, you won’t want to waste a single a morsel of meat.
Choosing Critters
To build impressive genetics into your herd, flock, or fluffle (of rabbits!), be sure to set goals — and don’t hesitate to follow them.
Seasons of the Sheep
Follow a farmer through a year of tending to her herd.
Let’s Go to the Cattle Auction
Whether selling or buying, preparation is key before stepping into a sale barn.
Scrappy Woodworking
Give your workshop leftovers new life with these projects.
Forge Ahead with Blacksmithing
Get all fired up about learning how to weld with a coal forge.
Color Block Mitten Pattern
Keep your hands toasty next winter by tackling this eye-catching project for knitters of any experience level.