GRIT November/December 2024 Table of Contents
Fall Favorites
These delicious autumnal recipes are perfect for the changing seasons.
Kitchen Gift Guide
Make breads, cookie mixes, soup mixes, and more to share the holiday spirit with your loved ones.
Hearty Meals for Hard Workers
German Chocolate Cake
Try this traditional cake and frosting at your next family dinner.
Scrappy Sewing
Upcycle old clothes and pillowcases into patchwork skirts and cozy tunics.
Working from Home(stead)
Develop a remote side gig with these tips from a pro.
The Windowsill Gardener
Growing a winter crop inside your home is possible with proper planning.
Masonry Basics
Tips for building a brick pier.
Cut & Dried
Want to get started on small-scale hay production? These experts give the ins and outs of hay for beginners.
Be a Good Neighbor
Create and maintain friendly bonds with your fellow farmers.
Living on the Edge
How habitat fragmentation affects both wildlife and us.
Fires on the Homestead
Plan ahead and take extra precautions to prevent tragedy on your property.
Cute as a Button
Take a peek at these tiny ornamental birds.
Wine of a Kind
At Virginia’s Ag District, grapevines and dairy cows produce the perfect pairing.