Salsify: The Vegetable You've Never Met

Reader Contribution by Chuck Mallory
Published on May 18, 2010
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Ask most people, even foodies, if they’ve ever eaten salsify. You’ll get a blank stare. Those who have heard of it assume it’s the same as turnips or parsnips. I almost didn’t write about it, it’s so rare. But it’s too delicious to ignore.

Salsify is a root vegetable that was popular in the U.S. during the 1700s. For modern purposes, it basically comes in two types: salsify, which is white, and scorzonera, which is black. Some websites say that other parts of the plant are edible, though I’ve never heard of this. It is also called “oyster plant,” and if found in a store, might actually be labeled as such. The roots are similar in shape to a carrot or parsnip.

Scorzonera has the more oyster taste, while salsify, which I think is the more likely-to-find variety, has a taste that has been described as oyster/asparagus or oyster/artichoke heart. It can be added to any root vegetable dish, but try it first on its own.

But once again: it’s hard to find. Even in Chicago. A farmer’s market might have it. If you’re okay with canned (and that’s fine for your first try), you can order online from Roland Foods. If you want to grow your own, buy seeds at these places: Salsify seeds.

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