How Fresh Do You Want Them?

Reader Contribution by Connie Moore
Published on April 14, 2016
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After reading Betty McDonald’s The Egg and I, it dawned on me that I had seen eggs mentioned a number of times lately in my research. Deciding to highlight hen fruit wasn’t hard as far as recent recipes, but the further back I went, the less was said about them.

They were so much a part of ordinary life for our ancestors that the little protein packages that come in white, brown and pastels weren’t given much thought.

In the St. Paris Independent Newspaper (Ohio) of Dec. 15, 1870, it simply said, “Eggs are plenty at 30 cents a dozen.”

Prince’s 1922 History of Springfield and Clark County offered this little story on eggs. “Albert Reeder of South Charleston tells of a boy who was sent to market with eggs. His mother instructed him to get twenty-five cents a dozen for them. The grocer offered him thirty cents, but he remembered his mother’s admonition. When he returned home he told her about it, saying he held out for the twenty-five cents.”

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