When and How to Plant; An Overall Guide

Reader Contribution by Karen Newcomb
Published on April 29, 2013
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Vegetables are divided into warm season and cool season crops.  Different classes of vegetables require different amounts of heat in order to grow. 

Generally, plants that we harvest for their fruit (the part of the plant in which seeds are produced), such as tomatoes, squash, peppers, eggplant, melons, and lima beans, need ample heat and long days.  Even when there’s no longer any danger of frost, there must be enough heat during the day to satisfy a plant’s requirements, or it will just sit there and do nothing.  Furthermore, the plants set out early in the season never seem to catch up with the plants set out later; cool weather impedes development.

Cool season plants, on the other hand, do well when the temperature is on the low side.  Generally speaking, these are the leafy and root vegetables, such as carrots, beets, spinach, cabbage, and lettuce.  Peas qualify as a cool season plant even though the fruit is harvested.  When the weather is cool and the days short, these plants put all their energy into forming leafy or root materials, but when the days warm up, they stop this activity and start going to seed.  As a result, you usually have to plant cool season vegetables early so that they can achieve the right size before the weather becomes too hot.  You can also plant them later in the growing season so they mature in the cooler days of fall.

In addition to warm season and cool season vegetables, there are early and late varieties of most vegetables.  The early varieties require less heat to mature than the late ones.  If you want to get to work on your vegetables early, you can start with an early variety, then follow with later varieties of that particular vegetable–all season long.

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