What Color is Your Tomato?

Reader Contribution by Karen Newcomb
Published on March 13, 2013
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Warmer weather and the thought of spring send a gardeners imagination into overdrive.  Tomatoes in the garden are a tradition, and we tend to plant the same variety year after year.  A trip to the local nursery may have some colored varieties, but if not buy the seed and start them yourself.

Who doesn’t love a great tasting slice of tomato, picked fresh from the vine?  But why stop with one of hundreds of the red varieties?  What if you grew a rainbow array of red, white, green, pink, purple/black, striped, yellow and orange slicing tomatoes, planted side by side for a visual extravaganza?  Imagine that translating into a platter of fresh sliced tomatoes set before your dinner guests.  Perhaps with thin slices of fresh mozzarella cheese and topped with garden fresh basil and drizzled with a good olive oil.  Yum!

Let’s start with a good red variety.  While heirloom tomatoes have become the popular choice the past few years, you may prefer planting hybrids.  I would also recommend, if you have the garden space, plant an early, midseason, and late variety.  If space is limited plant for the main season.  If you live in a short season growing area, I recommend the early varieties. You can find the heirloom varieties below from Annie’s Heirloom Seeds, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Bountiful Gardens, Seed Savers Exchange, Terroir Seeds, and Totally Tomatoes.  For a complete list of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes and where to purchase the seed visit:

Red slicing tomatoes 

Early varieties

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