Potato Bins

Reader Contribution by Laura Damron
Published on June 17, 2014
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Last year, I saw an ad for some gorgeous, modular wooden potato-growing bins. I don’t remember where I saw it, or who made them – but I do remember that they were nearly $100 each. You could have knocked me over with a feather. A hundred bucks? For wood boxes?? That I was going to fill with dirt???

No, thanks. I mean, I love the idea, but I know how much wood actually costs. I also know how to use a saw and a screwdriver (or a pneumatic brad nailer, in this case) so there was no possible way I could justify spending that kind of money for those bins, regardless of how nice they looked.

The concept had me curious, though: Instead of hilling up row after row of potatoes, the bins would supposedly yield more potatoes in less space. I certainly can’t argue with efficiency, so I set out to give it a try. (Not that I have rows of potatoes,per se – it’s more of a random assembly of clumps. But still …)

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