Everyone Should Give Gardening a Try

Reader Contribution by Valerie Boese
Published on February 5, 2015
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It is first week of February and I am really missing my fresh vegetables from my garden. If you’re a gardener you are probably missing them too; if you’re not a gardener, you should consider becoming one. You may think growing a vegetable garden is a difficult task that will take a lot of time, but it’s not true. Growing vegetables is easy; you simply need a sunny spot in your yard with full sun, six or more hours a day of sunshine, fertilizer, and water sometimes, depending on your climate. It won’t take a ton of your time either, by doing a little bit each day or every couple of days, it is easy. It is kind of like laundry, do a little each day, no worries, but let it pile up for a week and then it’s a job. With a 16-by-16-foot garden plot, you probably would only need to spend about an hour a week total, keeping it watered, weeded and harvested, not bad for the vegetables you will receive, in return for your minimal effort.

Cauliflower is easy to grow, grows best when planted early in the spring while it is still cool.

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