Things That Flow From One to Another

Reader Contribution by Paula Ebert
Published on November 2, 2011
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Things that flow from one thing to another.

What I mean is … a relative had white grapes and had left over white grape juice. My husband asked if I wanted to make jelly. Sure. So, I came home from work early, and thriftily turned her left-over grape juice into jelly. Of course, I had to buy pectin. Which sort of makes it less thrifty. But at least it wasn’t the way it was earlier, when I had to purchase jars also. My first year in graduate school, I was enrolled in a poetry writing course. Trust me, I’m no poet, but I wrote a poem about the free tomatoes my husband brought home.

The Tyranny of the Tomato

“Do you want some tomatoes?”
The Man asks me.

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