If the first step of solving a problem is to admit the problem, okay, I’ll admit it. Try not to judge me …
My name is Cassie, and I’m a wannabe homesteader.
Wow! It feels nice to really own it!
I’m getting closer and closer to that homesteading goal. My husband and I have been together for seven years, and for as long as I can remember we’ve talked about a modest house with space for animals and family, a garden … basically something we can grow into ours. Our house, our land, our legacy. As I get older (but only a little older), I’ve realized that to produce something myself adds value to it. My niece calls the apple butter I put up each fall and share with family “Cassie Butter.” It means so much more to give her that than it would to go buy apple butter to spread on the biscuits!
We moved from a tiny apartment in Kansas City to a real house in Arkansas this year, and ta-daa! Just like that we got the acre of land we’ve been dreaming about. Well, just under .94 acres. It’ll do.
And that’s how we’re launching our dream to homestead. Can we make do?
Can we make do with the land we could afford?
Can we make do with the time we aren’t at ‘real’ work or spending time with our families?
Can we make do with the ‘extra’ money we find each month?
Can we make do with our city up-bringing and limited first-hand knowledge?
I think we can!
We have container-gardened before; come next spring, we’ll expand that to raised beds. We’ve had a few pet backyard chickens before; the goal is to expand that experience to a whole flock. We have the great support of our families and friends — always willing to lend a hand.
Who knows what other adventures and challenges are down the road? But we’ll make do!
My plan here is to share those adventures and challenges — both to remember what I’ve tried and failed and what worked! And probably ask for some (read: a lot) of help along the way to greater self-sufficiency. And away we go … together!
How did your homestead start? Has it taken the path you’ve thought it would?