the basics of choosing firewood…

Reader Contribution by Mary Murray
Published on January 22, 2019
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We’ve entered day 4 of the snow and ice storm that has hit the Midwest, and as the temperatures plummeted (-11  yesterday morning), each day opening the door we’re greeted with a bone-chilling blast of air. It’s so cold that even heated water buckets have a film of ice on them that needs breaking so goats, chickens, and barn cats can be assured of plenty of water.  

In preparing for the storm, extra wood was stacked on the back porch, and after tossing another log on the fire, I’m glad to be inside. Morning chores are done, and I’ve left the gusty winds outside, for now. Warming up by the fire makes me glad for the wood we have on hand. This crackling fire in the kitchen will take the chill out of a home built in 1864, a home that certainly seems lacking insulation in some rooms!

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