Syruping, Catering and Growing

Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on March 25, 2011

It’s been a long time since I wrote here because my night-times have been overtaken by a smallish loveable squishy baby man. He’s approaching the three month mark and while he is sleeping better through the night, our days have been so fast paced that by the time I get him down (between 7-9 pm), I am creatively and physically spent. There goes my small window for any substantial writing.

I know it’s been long, and I have a lot I want to catch up on. So this Friday, while Andy takes the kids on his weekly delivery trip to Viroqua, I have a few hours with just Little Liam and he really is a good enough baby that I can squeeze in a sentence or two on here. (Isn’t Liam totally adorable?! I know, I’m in love and biased)

The dishes are a mile high and the laundry buzzer just went off, but I need a little writing therapy here.

One of the reasons the dishes are so piled up is that this week has been one big fat catering event for St. Brigid’s Meadows.

I laugh as I think of it now. Tonight is Andy’s last night for the gig, but it feels like we’ve been under cooking siege for the last three weeks. Down on Vince’s farm, about two miles down County PI and from our Blue House, there is a full scale movie production set up. Vince and Dawn, through a series of knowing the right people and generously giving up their farm sanctuary for a week, have brought the farm into the limelight. Down the windy, tree-lined County Road PI, there lies a car that has “crashed” into one of the older trees and is the center-piece for this film production. They only film at night, as that is part of the precedent for the scene, which means the crew of 40+ sleeps from about 8am to 4pm. They awaken, return to the farm from Westby and La Crosse, and have breakfast.

That’s where Andy and the rest of the farm come into play. He is in charge of catering two meals a night for these folks, in the Hundt farmhouse, from this last Tuesday through tonight (Friday). Breakfast is actually a full scale meal served around 7pm. The crew goes out and shoots for roughly 6 hours and then comes back for lunch. That’s around 1:30am, in which Andy has gotten out of bed and set up again in the Hundt kitchen for round two. He’s usually back in bed around 3:30am.

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