Summer Days are Almost Over

By Nebraska Dave
Published on April 9, 2021
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Just as quick as the dog days of summer arrive, they are gone. Summer did not turn out the way I thought it would at the beginning of May. With tools sharpened and inspiration at a high level, that pent up energy was unleashed on building garden beds and many thoughts of new plans were contemplated. The many plans were quickly reduced to just a pittance of the original plans. My mother in law fell and hit a metal chair leg with her shoulder and cracked the ball in her right shoulder into three pieces. No surgery required but it incapacitated her for the better part of two months (June and July). I being the closest living relative felt obligated to help with her daily routines until she could take over on her own. Well, June and July are two major gardening months so 13 of the 16 garden beds were not planted this year. Only a few tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, onions, and potatoes were planted. No squash, zucchini, or sweet corn was planted. There hasn’t been much to write about this summer. Well, there’s always next year. 

Front Patio Flowers

My greatest achievement for this year was my front patio flowers. They really turned out well. Each flower pot has Impatiens, Coleus, Silver Mist, and Begonias. They seem to be a good mix for the shady front patio area. The soil mix for the pots is one five gallon bucket of peat moss, one bucket of compost, one two cubic foot bag of potting mix, one large coffee container of perlite, and a couple 16 ounce cups of Epsom salts.  I have a big compost tumbler that I use for a soil mixer. It works great. One hundred crank rotations gives it a good mix. I don’t really have to add fertilizer during the year. 

Water Tank

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