What You Need to Know Before Building a Farm Structure

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on February 8, 2018
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What You Need to Know Before Building a Farm Structure

As E.A. Fowler, an agricultural engineer, wrote over 100 years ago, “Farm buildings are the farmer’s factory.” Therefore there is no more important component to a farm’s productivity than an adequate structure. While farm structures have been slow to evolve — largely because of the capital risk involved — the growing informational network means we know a lot more now than we did then.

There was a dramatic increase in farm productivity in the 20th century, largely due to steady advancements in technology and research, and improved effectiveness and efficiency of farm structures was part of this development. However, high capital costs still mean no decision to build a farm structure should be taken lightly. We have highlighted some key decisions farmers and homesteaders should consider when planning a new build.

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