Perfect Home from Imperfect Materials

By Ryan Mitchell
Published on February 2, 2017
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“You really have to be able to see things for what they will be eventually.”
“You really have to be able to see things for what they will be eventually.”
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The flooring of his cabin came from an old office space.
The flooring of his cabin came from an old office space.
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The fireplace was originally from a dumpster.
The fireplace was originally from a dumpster.
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Much of the lumber came from trees that had fallen over in his grandmother’s yard. Mark cut them to length and milled them into boards.
Much of the lumber came from trees that had fallen over in his grandmother’s yard. Mark cut them to length and milled them into boards.
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“Tiny Houses Built with Recycled Materials: Inspiration for Constructing Tiny Homes Using Salvaged and Reclaimed Supplies” by Ryan Mitchell.
“Tiny Houses Built with Recycled Materials: Inspiration for Constructing Tiny Homes Using Salvaged and Reclaimed Supplies” by Ryan Mitchell.

Tiny homes are a growing trend because they are environmentally friendly, less expensive than a regular home, and often mobile. In Tiny Houses Built with Recycled Materials (F+W Media, 2016), Ryan Mitchell presents the myriad of ways that these small structures can be built with salvaged and reclaimed resources, further lessening their impact on the environment as well as making a home that’s completely unique. Featuring profiles on tiny home owners, ideas on where to find supplies, and what to avoid when choosing construction materials, this book is a perfect, do-it-yourself guide for anyone looking to build a one-of-a-kind household!

You can purchase this book from the GRIT store: Tiny Houses Built with Recycled Materials.

Mark Miller: Tiny House on a Foundation

• Grantsburg, Wisconsin
• 204 square feet
• 1920’s summer kitchen remodeled in 2015

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