Foundations That Are the Best Options for Your Farmhouse

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on May 18, 2017
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Whether you’re buying, building, or renovating a farmhouse, the first place to start is the foundation. If you’re rebuilding, you might get lucky and be able to keep the foundation that’s already in place. But if it’s sustained damage or you’re are starting from scratch, then you need to choose your foundation.

The foundation you get depends on what you need. When deciding what kind of foundation to choose for your farmhouse, you must factor in a number of things, including the weather, your needs, your family, and the topography of where you live. There are many options, so choose carefully.

This is your home, or it will be, so don’t make these crucial decisions on your own — consult with the contractor. They should be able to recommend the best options and let you choose from there. Here’s some info on five of your best options:

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