Spring Bulbs: A Gift to the Future

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Nemec
Published on April 3, 2009
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I have never been much for growing things (maybe it was the huge gardens we raised when I was a kid). Since I left home I have had exactly 3 house plants, and they’ve all died of neglect. I used to say that I had a black thumb. But … whoever lived in my house before me planted perennials, so I have spring flowers.

And they tickle me to no end. I smile, I giggle, I talk about “my daffodils blooming” and “my crocuses coming up,” just like I had something to do with it.

They herald the hope of the season for me, and I thank whoever planted them from the bottom of my heart every year as the cold finally creeps away and the first purple crocus peeks out of the ground.

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