Spring and Summer Garden Preparations

Reader Contribution by Faithful Homesteader
Published on February 13, 2019
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It is that time of year when we start preparing for our spring and summer garden. We have already started some of the dirt work. Sometimes my husband talks about not having a garden, but I can’t imagine that. It is great for us to get fresh vegetables, and I also love seeing beautiful flowers. I love anything that attracts pollinators. I also like sharing the garden with our chickens. 

Photo by Faithful Homesteader.

This year we will need to do things a little differently because of now having a dog. We certainly don’t need him digging up the garden or doing his business all over the place. Like last year, we are doing in-ground beds, but we will surround each bed with chicken wire. We plan to make it where the dog can’t get in, but the chickens can. Doing dense planting, our tomatoes bushes always provide nice shade and refuge for the girls in the hot summer. 

We will be growing our usual vegetables of tomatoes, zucchini, squash, watermelon, and peppers. We also plan to have beans and corn. I am hoping we grow giant sunflowers again. They are my favorite flower. We will likely have marigolds. I notice they attract a lot of butterflies, and I love that. 

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