Rural Property: 5 Ways to Give Rural Real Estate the Safety Test

Reader Contribution by Victoria Gazeley
Published on November 21, 2011
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It’s getting cold here.  The ground is rock solid frozen and we’ve gone full into ‘winter mode’.  Now that we’ve got livestock (chickens), it adds a whole new dimension to preparing our rural property to keep everyone (and everything) safe and secure through the chilly months.  But it’s not just in the winter when things can go wrong.

When you live on a rural property, there are a lot of situations that can put you and your family at risk of injury – or even death.  A pretty dark topic, I know.  But it’s my mission to provide information that will really make a positive difference as you make the transition to a rural lifestyle, and sometimes the discussion gets downright serious.  It has to to keep everyone safe.

All that said, most dangerous situations on your journey to the rural life can be avoided, or at least mitigated, by choosing the ‘right’ property to purchase or rent in the first place.  Here are five things to seriously consider, and questions to ask and analyze, before you purchase a property down by that gorgeous river, or decide on a rental home in the mountains:

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