Thanks for Nothing Monsanto

Reader Contribution by April Freeman
Published on June 25, 2014
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Yesterday, the kids and I spent a couple hours pulling weeds. However, these weeds weren’t crabgrass, dandelions or Johnson grass. We were pulling superweeds.

Spiny Amaranth, a.k.a. Pigweed, has been a thorn (literally!) in our sides (and hands and bare feet!) for about three years.

The first year, we noticed a few small, prickly weeds with pinky-red stems. The second year they were everywhere. After doing some research, we learned that they were Spiny Amaranth. Nothing, not even goats, eats this stuff. Roundup won’t kill it, nor will any other herbicide. They release thousands of seeds each year, which will sprout in open ground. Cows sometimes eat the seed heads, but the seeds pass intact into a cow’s manure and will sprout later.

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