It’s a Jungle Out There

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Published on August 8, 2018
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I love summer. But then, I love the other seasons too. I hate to see the present one go, but I am always anxious to see the next one come. The only problem is all the other critters are happy to see summer too.

It seems like it takes forever for it to get warm in the spring. Then there is that perfect evening when the air is warm, the sunset is beautiful, the scents of the first spring flowers waft through the air and the world is right. Then it hits, the first mosquito attacks.

So begins the war between them and us. It’s pretty sad when you wait all winter to break out the shorts and tank tops only to have to forego them or risk being dinner for mosquitoes.

Skunks like this time of year too. I have been pretty lucky. A couple have camped out in my lean-to barn the past couple years but they seem to leave me alone. I usually throw my garbage out in the field and they are happy to pick through it.

We have reached a mutual understanding on this subject. They don’t venture toward the house as long as I keep throwing scraps out there. This works for me.

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