Search Online for the Best Online Gardening Tips

By Mike Lang
Published on January 1, 2007
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Basil seedlings.
Basil seedlings.
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A laptop in the garden.
A laptop in the garden.
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Basil seedlings.
Basil seedlings.

Online gardening tips can make a difference in planning and planting out your garden. 

While perusing all the new items at a horticultural tradeshow this past month, my mind began wandering as I tried to think of the most important items technology has contributed to help make the gardener’s life easier and more enjoyable.

Myriad plants have been found or developed to enhance the garden and decrease required maintenance. Research has discovered that some gardening chemicals are detrimental to the environment, removed them from use and provided others that are safe.

Engineering has progressed to the point where a powerful gas engine is small enough and light enough to power small hand tools, and these power tools now sell for an affordable price.

All these technological offerings are great, and I look forward to even more, but the one item that I have to give the Blue Ribbon to for being the most beneficial to my gardening, bears three little letters: www.

I practically had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the computer before I ever used the Internet. Then I saw the amount of information available to each of us, literally at our fingertips. This source of truly useful information seems endless, especially if you know how to look for that information.

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