Nominations Sought

By National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition/Usda
Published on April 27, 2010
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A farmer stands in his corn field.
A farmer stands in his corn field.
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Standing before her tractor, a farmer prepares to get back to work.
Standing before her tractor, a farmer prepares to get back to work.

An April issue of the Federal Register announced the call for nominations to the Minority Farmer Advisory Committee, organized by the Office of Advocacy and Outreach at the USDA. Nominations are due by May 24.

The secretary of agriculture will select no more than 15 committee members including at least four socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers, two nonprofit representatives and two representatives from colleges or universities with experience working with minority farmers and ranchers, and at least two civil rights professionals.

The committee was established in the 2008 Farm Bill to advise the secretary on the 2501 Program (Outreach and Technical Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers) regarding methods of outreach to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers to increase participation in other USDA programs, and on civil rights issues.

Organizations or individuals can send a letter of nomination, or a completed advisory committee membership form to Elaine Hauhn at the Office of Advocacy and Outreach by fax at 202-720-2191 or by mail: Elaine Hauhn, Office of Advocacy and Outreach, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Whitten Building, 240W, Washington, DC 20250-0522.

For more, check out the Federal Register section on the website, or visit the website of the NSAC.

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