My 2020 Garden Mantras: Better Late Than Never And A Little Bit Is Better Than Nothing

Reader Contribution by Cheryl In Texas
Published on May 11, 2020
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My goodness, it’s been entirely too long since I’ve haunted these halls of the fabulous GRIT reader blogs. But I’m back and endeavor to be a regular around here.

My garden last year was an epic failure. I think it got too hot too soon and then the grass and weeds started growing with a vengeance. It’s like the garden was determined to return to a state of pasture. Ugh. I was so disappointed, but I have to say, I really didn’t miss standing out in 100 degrees with 85% humidity last summer to keep the garden watered. When this year rolled around, I wasn’t even going to plant anything. I found myself missing the whole process of starting little seeds, delighting when they sprouted, tending to them as they grew, and eventually harvesting the fruits of my labors. I always have such a sense of wonder when something that started out as a tiny little seed is now providing me with food to eat.

And then, enter a global pandemic. Dun dun dunnnn!

I started thinking that it might be a good idea to get serious again about growing some of our own food. Something. Anything. I was already late to get things started in our area, but I thought better late than never, and a little bit is better than nothing. Thus, those became my gardening mantras this year.

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