Mutated Melons

Reader Contribution by Mountain Woman
Published on September 15, 2011
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To share embarassing stories or not?  Oh, well, I have nothing to lose so here is my latest cautionary tale of a newbie gardener.

Every January, seed catalogs start arriving, and for the past three years, their arrival has been the highlight of my long winter. I spend hours deciding just what seeds to plant. Of course, I’m searching for heirloom varieties, but I’m also drawn to anything that produces in colors considered unusual. I want my garden to be as eccentric as I am.

At long last, my seeds arrive!  Dozens of seed packets including carrots in all colors of the rainbow, pumpkins in assorted hues and this year for the first time, melons as well. Small, personal size, white honeydew melons I was intending to plant in the greenhouse. That is until Mountain Man intervened.

“Don’t start your seeds this year. We might not be here all summer.” Mountain Man is determined to move us to Missouri. He doesn’t realize I’m adamantly praying each and every minute of the day for us to stay put.  While I love the people of Missouri who are some of the kindest people on earth, I also cherish our life on our Vermont mountaintop farm.

But if Mountain Man wants to move then move we will, so I followed his instructions. I threw all my seed packets into a drawer and there they stayed forgotten as we made plans to leave.

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