Lessons From the Mobile Garden

Reader Contribution by Robyn Dolan
Published on October 29, 2015
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This is more like a review of what went right and what went wrong in my mobile garden experiment. The only things going right at this time, are the peppermint, oregano and lettuce. Even the oregano is not the one I tried from seed. That one died. It is from a plant I purchased at Sprouts, same as the thriving peppermint. Well, at least I’m having good luck there.

The lettuce is from seeds I planted that took a very long time to germinate. They were from the 10 for a dollar bunch I got. Looks like romaine. The peas and collards came up nicely. So nicely that the abuelo’s dog ate them before they could get more than a few inches tall. The birds got the rest of my lettuce. The rest of what actually germinated got fried when I left the mobile garden in the back of the truck too many days during hot weather.

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