Lacto-fermentation: Salsa, Whey and Sour Cream

Reader Contribution by Becky And Andy
Published on August 22, 2011


Above, Liam sits and exudes joy for everyone. He’s a good kitchen mate. It’s a good thing, too. The family spent a good deal of time in the kitchen on Saturday. We had half a bushel of very ripe tomatoes needing to be processed and in our minds, there was only ONE THING we could do with them.

Lacto-fermented salsa. It’s probably our most favorite home-preserved product out of everything we’ve ever tried canning.

We discovered this technique while reading a book called Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon. In a sentence, this book changed the course of our very lives. Click the link. Buy it. Be forever changed…for the better!

Tonight, I’m going to give you our recipe, which is built for a sliding scale of quantities based on the harvest you are bringing in. The first time we made lacto-fermented salsa, we had our dining room table full of ripe, heirloom tomatoes and about two, 5 gallon buckets full of bell peppers.


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