The Charm of Keeping a Garden Journal

Reader Contribution by Trf Cullers
Published on March 9, 2017
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Inspired by Thomas Jefferson’s detailed, multi-faceted garden book, I started a garden journal last year. Like most of my projects, my aspirations were slightly greater than the finished project. I did, however, manage to create a colorful (and slightly muddy!) version of my summer as a gardener. Here’s what I put in my journal:

1. A layout of my garden plot: I drew a grid to the approximate scale of my present garden. This year, I will probably just cut out a square of graph paper and glue it on the journal page, as my grid squares weren’t always exactly square!

2. A list of plants that grow well together. I consulted a couple of online sites to get a general idea of companionable plants:

3. Shopping lists:
• Gardening tools and/or equipment

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