How My Life Changed on One Stormy Night

Reader Contribution by Jim Mitchell
Published on April 20, 2012
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It was a dark and stormy night…

Really, it was! 

It was the night that started my journey to move back to the country.  

As I drove home from work in the early evening, snow was swirling everywhere. I could barely see. I had actually left work early, as I had heard that the snow was coming, and I wanted to get home before the worst of the commute hit.

Silly me. I had seen many times the effects of heavy snow during a commute on a freeway, and quite frankly I was too tired to deal with it again. On a normal day I would be home in 40 minutes, resting from a hard day at the office. Every day. Twice a day I entered into the chaos and maze we call “the commute.” 

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