Homemade Applesauce – A Fall Harvest Treat

Reader Contribution by Dave Larson
Published on October 29, 2011
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Homemade applesauce is one of our favorite treats here at the Bear Cave. But this year, our orchard was bare. A late hard freeze killed the new buds on our entire orchard. So, we did the next best thing to going out the back door and picking our own fruit. We drove across the valley to a great U-Pick organic apple orchard. They are the next best thing to our own apples.

If it is impossible to grow your own fruit because you don’t have room, time, or inclination to maintain an orchard of your own, check out the local orchards. Benefits abound. You will be helping keep the local economy strong by shopping locally. You can see the fruit hanging luscious and ripe on the tree and know that your apples weren’t picked rock-hard green and ripened with chemicals such as ethylene or calcium carbide while being transported from around the world. The cost, economic and environmental, of transport is confined to your car on a local foray to the orchard. You and your friends, family, and certainly children, can enjoy a great outing. Local U-Pick is good for your health, your environment, and your kids. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Be aware that local organic apples may not look much like the waxy, shiny reds, yellows, and greens of the apples in neat rows at the grocer. Our experience with local U-Pick apples has been that they are smaller, not uniform in shape, have some bug bites on some of the apples, and just don’t appear as pretty as the commercial apples found in big box stores. So, think of the apple that tempted Snow White. It was pretty nasty inside, right? To be fair, some of the apples in stores are going to taste great. On the other hand, few will compare with the sweetness of a tree-ripened fruit, even if it’s a bit smaller. So you get generally great tree ripened taste and all the other benefits. What’s not to like?

At our local U-Pick orchard, we were treated to the extra special sight of a flock of sheep put out into the orchard to glean the fallen fruit. I don’t know that I’ve seen a more tranquil country scene than the sight of those sheep quietly munching their way along the rows of trees.  Snippets of Bach’s Sheep May Safely Graze floated around in my head as I slowed my pace to that of the sheep and just relaxed into the picking. It was like active meditation.

On to the Applesauce!!

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