Grow, Baby, Grow

Reader Contribution by Keba M Hitzeman
Published on May 29, 2020
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 Looking into my in-ground garden

These pictures will immediately show that I am not a Gardener, worthy of glossy magazine spreads where I’m attired in white linen and interviewed on my methods and secrets. I’m not ashamed to call myself a gardener, with dirt under my nails, muddy knees, and bits of debris in my hair. It’s the end of May, and I still have the cabbages and broccoli starts to put in the ground, the straw blew out from between the onion rows in the last windy storm we had, and I honestly have no idea where all the welded wire tomato rings are (I know I used a few to patch fencing, and others are still around the pawpaw trees I planted two years ago, but there should be some more around here!).

And this is all okay – I keep reminding myself of that. There have been years we didn’t get anything in the ground until mid-June, years where I gave up trying to keep things watered because it just wouldn’t rain, and years where it all grew perfectly. This year I have a good stand of onions, the potatoes are emerging from their straw covering, there are cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini all stretching their roots down and their leaves up.

The weeded raised bed

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