Gardening Updates: June

Reader Contribution by Nebraska Dave
Published on June 10, 2019
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Somehow May has passed me by with great haste and wild abandon. Many things have happened in May. Usually, May is the busiest garden month of the Spring but with ongoing family responsibilities my garden time is cut down to only having enough time to tend three beds out of 12 at Terra Nova Gardens. The rest are covered with tarps to control weeds until such time that I can properly bring them to harvest. I don’t see that happening this year. I do have a bucket garden on the back patio with tomatoes and bell peppers. I’m hopeful to get some cucumbers planted as well.

The perimeter of my beds at Terra Nova Gardens are lined with rocks from retaining walls and I’m always on the look out for more rocks. My neighbor just across the road had a load of rocks delivered for his driveway and this is what they delivered. He was thinking gravel and the delivery service was thinking big rocks. So for a few hours of effort I acquired enough rocks to put a second layer on some of the beds. Nice!!

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