Garden Wit and Wisdom from Days of Old

Reader Contribution by Cindy Murphy
Published on March 16, 2012
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Who can be satisfied until every home has a garden, every community a garden club and every city a community garden? ~ Alfred Carl Hottes 

The question appears in the preface of “1001 Garden Questions Answered”, and is still as relevant today as when Hottes first asked it.  In fact, much of the information contained in the book is still relevant – it’s still in print, the latest edition issued in 2007, eighty years after the first edition of the book was published.  I recently found my Dad’s 1947 copy of the “heavily revised” fourth printing of the book; hopefully newer editions have been “heavily revised” also, because the non-pronounceable chemicals listed in the “How to Control Insects and Diseases” chapter are just downright scary.    

Despite that, this is a little gem of a book, with a ton of wisdom, useful information, and interesting tidbits.  Judging from the tattered cover, dog-eared pages, and that Dad wrote his name on the inside cover, I’m guessing this book was passed around a lot among friends, family, and co-workers who shared his interest.   

The legacy Dad left me was his life-long love of nature and of gardening.  Some of my earliest memories are of him teaching me about plants and birds we encountered on our walks through the forests and fields.  At home, I’d work alongside him, helping in his big vegetable garden….although at that young of an age, I don’t know how much help I did versus how much additional work I created.   

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