Garden Planning: Can't Wait to Dig In

Reader Contribution by Carolyn Evans-Dean
Published on February 5, 2012
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My mailbox has been filling up in recent weeks. While a part of me hates to think of the number of trees that have been sacrificed to produce this year’s crop of seed catalogs, another part of me is jumping up and down with glee.

 It is finally time to begin planning the 2012 garden. That’s right! Regardless of whether or not the world ends on December 21st (as predicted by the Mayans)we still want fresh veggies to enjoy throughout the summer and fall.

 I always approach the garden with such optimism. The plan usually includes some innovative design plot that I’ve seen over the years at nearby Cornell University. When I’m in garden planning mode, weeds drought and garden pests don’t exist. Instead, every vegetable is envisioned in a blemish free state and is the epitome of perfection.

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