Growing Bramble Fruit

By Andrew Weidman
Published on June 6, 2017
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A bramble patch is a great addition to the homestead.
A bramble patch is a great addition to the homestead.
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A berry pie complements any summer meal.
A berry pie complements any summer meal.
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Triple Crown is a thornless blackberry variety, and produces large, firm berries good for making pies or snacking on straight from the canes.
Triple Crown is a thornless blackberry variety, and produces large, firm berries good for making pies or snacking on straight from the canes.
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Marionberries are sweet-tart and good for jams, pies, and jellies.
Marionberries are sweet-tart and good for jams, pies, and jellies.
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Fall Gold produces large sweet raspberries with good texture.
Fall Gold produces large sweet raspberries with good texture.
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Caroline red raspberries are disease resistant and yield good bumper crops of firm, flavorful berries.
Caroline red raspberries are disease resistant and yield good bumper crops of firm, flavorful berries.
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Wineberries are known for their unique flavor, but be careful while harvesting these fruits, as the canes are covered with very fine thorns.
Wineberries are known for their unique flavor, but be careful while harvesting these fruits, as the canes are covered with very fine thorns.

When I was a kid, one of the best parts of summer vacation was berry season. I’d grab an old peanut butter bucket or ice cream pail and head for the wood line. There, I’d wade into wild bramble thickets, dodging hooked thorns to pluck fat, juicy wild black-cap raspberries until my bucket was filled and my fingers stained deep purple. I probably ate as many berries as I dropped into my bucket; who could blame me? Those sun-warmed beauties held such rich, sweet flavor — dark, musky, far more complex than any so-called “wild berry” candy could promise. Even better, every so often I’d come across a patch of wineberry glowing like rubies. Those sweet-tart berries never made it to the bucket, you can count on that.

Raspberries and wineberries share a large, tangled family with blackberries, dewberries, and loganberries. Collectively, they’re called cane fruit or brambles. Purists will state that “bramble” only refers to cane fruit with sprawling, arching growth habits, excluding more upright varieties or those that form ground covers. For the sake of this article, we will use bramble to cover the entire group.

Raising Cane

All cane fruit belongs to the genus Rubus, a group of between 300 and 750 species and hybrids. In general, brambles produce biennial canes from perennial root systems called crowns. The canes are typically woody and often armed with thorns, some wickedly so. Rubus is closely related to roses, apples, and strawberries; the family resemblance shows in their flowers, if not in the fruit or the plants themselves.

Bramble berries have an interesting form; clusters of fleshy “drupelets,” with each drupelet containing a seed. The clusters grow on pluglike remnants of the flower, called a receptacle. Botanists call them aggregate fruits. On some brambles, like raspberries and wineberries, the receptacle stays on the plant, while on others, like blackberries and dewberries, the receptacle slips from the plant with the berry. In either case, the berries slip easily only at the peak of ripeness.

Brambles are some of our oldest fruits, yet they’re also the most primitive and unimproved, largely because they need no improvement. We’ve been plucking berries from bramble thickets since at least before the last ice age glaciers began to melt. And why not? Brambles easily provide plenty of sweetness and nutrients to boot. The only effort needed in picking is avoiding the thorns.

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