Colorful Flowers to Plant in Fall For Spring

Learn about the vast array of flowers to plant in the fall for spring, including taking care of plant bulbs, daffodils, crocus, geums, anemones, snowdrops, and hyacinths.

Reader Contribution by Lois Hoffman
Updated on August 5, 2022
article image
by AdobeStock/Yasonya
Crocus spring flowers in garden.

Learn about the vast array of flowers to plant in fall for spring, including taking care of plant bulbs, daffodils, crocus, geums, anemones, snowdrops, and hyacinths.

When spring finally breaks and all the spring flowers pop up, it is such a welcome sign after a long winter. However, all of that color takes a little planning the fall before.

September through mid-October is the optimum time to plant spring-flowering bulbs, other perennials that bloom in the spring and to consider storage for summer-planted bulbs.

It’s probably best to get the old out of the way first. By digging bulbs that bloom in the summer before you plant spring blooming bulbs, you ensure that you don’t forget to dig them since out of sight is out of mind. It also makes room to plant other bulbs that need to go in during fall.

Summer Bulbs

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