The Importance of Family Safety Training

Reader Contribution by Megan Wild
Published on February 23, 2017
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Spring and summer are important times on any family farm or homestead. They are times of planting and growing before the autumn harvest.

They are also potentially dangerous, unfortunately. Agriculture is the most dangerous employment sector in the U.S. Accidents happen frequently if people are unprepared or inattentive. They also happen more to certain age groups; children under 15 and people 65 or older have more agricultural accidents than other age groups.

It’s not just accident frequency that poses a danger, either. Many farms, homesteads, and ranches are in rural areas where access to a hospital is not quick or convenient.

Fortunately, training on proper safety techniques and practices is half the battle in keeping accidents to a minimum for your family. The other half is raising the awareness level. Everyone on a farm should be aware their surroundings are not just rural, beautiful, and fertile, but potentially dangerous because of tractors, other machinery, hydraulics, and more.

Here are four areas where training and awareness pays off:

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