Embracing Life on the Homestead

Reader Contribution by Faithful Homesteader
Published on November 23, 2016
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I never had a real desire to live a homesteading life. Most of my adult life I lived in apartments and townhomes. I was good with the low-maintenance aspect of that type of living. Then I got married to a man that embraced homesteading and self-sufficiency. He is a gardener, handyman, and visionary. He was the one that pushed for us to get our own place in the country.

We have had our place for about five years now, and I have softened to this new lifestyle. I like that we live outside of the city, even though it is starting to catch up with us. I like that we have chickens and they provide us with fresh eggs and plenty of entertainment. They are good therapy, too.

My first time planting garlic.

My husband is good at gardening, and I certainly appreciate all of the homegrown food that we are able to get each year. Usually he is the one that plants everything, but there have been some occasions where I was actually the one putting stuff in the ground. I never thought that I would be doing that. Most recently I planted garlic, and I am happy to see that it seems to be doing well.

Recently, when we were dealing with an early freeze and frost warning, I was the one in the garden picking tomatoes, peppers, and watermelon. I spent a lot of time covering up plants that I hoped to save. In the past, I would not be so invested in doing that.

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