Updates on Winter Projects

Reader Contribution by Nebraska Dave
Published on February 18, 2019
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The winter here in Nebraska rages on. Another six inches of snow fell over the weekend, making driving challenging. Snow blowers bellowed throughout the neighborhood as snow was being thrown high in the air. Temperatures hover in the teens and single digits at night. As for me, I still like using a shovel. So as the sound of roaring snow blowers echo through the neighborhood, my fuel efficient shovel quietly goes about business. It might take a little longer but it keeps a body warm and healthy to use the shovel, don’t you think? So as the day comes to an end, all driveways are clear in hopes that spring is quite near. Unfortunately, the forecasters are predicting more snow accumulation of several more inches in a couple days.

New Seed Starting Station

The new seed starting station has been completed.

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