The winter here in Nebraska rages on. Another six inches of snow fell over the weekend, making driving challenging. Snow blowers bellowed throughout the neighborhood as snow was being thrown high in the air. Temperatures hover in the teens and single digits at night. As for me, I still like using a shovel. So as the sound of roaring snow blowers echo through the neighborhood, my fuel efficient shovel quietly goes about business. It might take a little longer but it keeps a body warm and healthy to use the shovel, don’t you think? So as the day comes to an end, all driveways are clear in hopes that spring is quite near. Unfortunately, the forecasters are predicting more snow accumulation of several more inches in a couple days.
New Seed Starting Station
The new seed starting station has been completed.
This seed starting area resides deep in the bowels of my basement right next to the cold storage room that I built some years ago. There are actually three shelves that will need lighting, but for now only one shelf will be used, which will be more than enough for this year. Just this one shelf has the potential to start 588 seeds. It’s not pretty, but it is functional.
Kitchen Floor
The kitchen floor is now finished and only the trim needs to have attention.
Yeah, it’s finally completed. The quarter round needs to be put back in place, and the kick boards around the kitchen cabinets need to be glued in place. It’s been almost a year that I’ve worked off and on with this floor project. I probably have over 100 hours of work into this floor. Laying down the tile was the easy part. The floor prep took many hours but hopefully it will pay off with a long lasting floor.
Kitchen Wall
The next part of this project is to paint the wall. This wall is in bad shape from years of neglect.
This wall has many gouges, scratches, and other things that need attention before painting. Once again, the preparation time will be much greater than the actual painting. I probably should have done this painting before I put the nice floor in place, but that’s what drop cloths are for, don’t you think? I like to put on two coats of Kilz primer before the actual paint, then two coats of paint color to finish up the paint job.
Do you have any winter projects to finish up before spring arrives? Winter can’t hang on too much longer, can it? Stay warm and think spring.
Nebraska Dave
Urban Farmer
Photos by Nebraska Dave.