Too Many Eggs in the Basket

Reader Contribution by Robert Boyles
Published on March 3, 2016
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It happens so fast!  When the rural lifestyle hits you, it is instant addiction.  A seed catalogue, an article in Grit magazine, or a post from your favorite blogger has you excited about trying a new project.  You want to learn everything you can, you do the research, maybe put a little egg money on the side to get you started.  Next thing you know, boom, you are now knee deep in the next project.

But it all takes time, right?  It often takes money to get started too.  Egg money only goes so far!  No big deal, this is the lifestyle you love and you want to keep going.  So you read more articles.  One day while weeding the garden, or mucking the chicken coop you think, “Hey, I’m pretty good at this, I could raise sheep,” or goats or pigs, or bees, or insert your next project here.

Hay that has gone to seed.

Before you can count the mason jars of canned peaches in the pantry you realize that you don’t have the time to do all of the chores you have made for yourself!  Or maybe, and this is very likely, you find out that none of your projects are going just as you planned and you don’t have the time or resources to make it any better.

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