Start Recycling and Save Money on Your Farm

Reader Contribution by Bobbi Peterson
Published on November 22, 2016
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Transportation logistics, storage, and environmental protections all play a role in how a farm maintains its profit margin. This has evolved throughout the history of farming and has led us to the present day, where in these things there is an increased importance to recycling.

The Industrial Revolution made it easier for farmers to plant and harvest more crops in a season. This meant a need for faster transportation to get those crops to consumers. Developments in agricultural technology from 1945-1970 further increased
crop yields and the need for practical ways to ship crops faster and with less expense, meaning farmers could pocket more profit.

The construction of canals reduced transport times from 20 days down to six, and was quickly followed by the expansion of the railroad. Railroad freight cars competed with the trucking industry and waterway barges for shipping methods. Competition in shipping methods also was a benefit to the profit margins of farmers.

Transportation, energy, and storage all continue to be areas where farmers can make a profit and avoid losses. Now, more farmers are turning to green options to save time and bring in money.

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